No matter the season, Ohio’s Lake Erie & Shores & Islands is a freshwater fishing hot spot where both pro anglers and beginners join in the fishing fun.
Although most known for walleye, perch and smallmouth bass, in certain waters at many times of the year you will also find steelhead trout, white bass, rock bass, largemouth bass, catfish and other species. Below is a list of fishing hot spots during the spring months in the Central and Western Basin of Lake Erie.
Western Basin Fishing Hotspots
Walleye: Maumee River, Sandusky River, Sandusky Bay, Reef Complex, Bass Islands, Kelleys Island, Marblehead
Yellow perch: Catawba, Marblehead, Bass Islands, Kelleys Island
Smallmouth Bass: Bass Islands, Kelleys Island, Catawba, Marblehead, Sandusky Bay, Reef Complex
Central Basin Fishing Hotspots
Walleye: Breakwalls; Huron, Huntington Beach, Lakefront State Park, Fairport Harbor plus Grand River and nearshore areas from Vermilion – Conneaut.
Yellow perch: Nearshore; Ruggles Reef, Vermilion, Fairport, Perry, Ashtabula, Conneaut; Lorain, Cleveland artificial reefs
Smallmouth Bass: Vermilion, Rocky, Chagrin, Grand rivers and Conneaut Creek; smaller tribs from Cleveland east.
For more information, please visit Ohio Department of Natural Resources – Division of Wildlife.